Interdisciplinearity LO22787

Judy Meisels Tal (
Mon, 04 Oct 1999 00:30:24 +0200

Replying to LO22779 --

Very nicely put, Steve!

Hello LO members,

My name is Judy Tal.

I'm new in the field of Consultancy (almost two years, after 19 years in
the accademy as a mathematician). It's several month by now, that I read
the LO mail, and find many issues that are raised here very challenging.

I have special interest in the "interdisciplinar" view point in management
and am working on a research in this virgin field.

I would like to ask you Steve, with regard to your following remark:

""There may be a fine line between the one who works at his trade long
hours because s/he loves it and prefers it to other ways of spending a
life, and one who puts in the same hours because s/he is helpless to

How then, can one tell the difference between these two tendencies, that
happen to result with the same outcome?

JudY Tal


Judy Meisels Tal <>

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