>Is the change of the formula y =mx + c to z =mx + c still
>insignificant to you?
Dear At,
this quesiton really puzzles me. I cannot connect it to the rest of your
writing, yet it seems to be at the center of the purpose of your mail:
>I will now change the formula
>y =mx + c
>z =mx + c
>just to change the monotony of your past experiences. This
>change may appear to be insignificant to you, but it is not.
>If this change reamins insignificant to you after you have
>read this entire contribution, then clobber me over the head
>because I have failed to teach you.
In order to be significant to write z instead of y (change of the form of
the ink on the paper), there should be a change. Not only a change but
also a change of a change. But with respect to change, both formula are
the same:
(d/dx)y = (d/dx)z = m
(d/dx)(d/dx)y = (d/dx)(d/dx)z = 0
Even without considering any change, both formula are the same:
y = z = mx + c
I can make a lot of sense of your contribution, but I cannot see, how and
why the essence of that sense is captured in the change of the formula
y=mx+c to
z=mx+c. So may be I didn't get THE sense?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>
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