Toward a Science of Consciousness LO22837 -CFP

Jim Laukes (jlaukes@U.Arizona.EDU)
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 19:28:08 -0700 (MST)

Note: Abstracts are due October 15.


April 10-15, 2000
Tucson Convention Center Music Hall
Tucson, Arizona

Sponsored by
Consciousness Studies
at the University of Arizona

This is a call for papers for the fourth "Toward a Science of
Consciousness" conference, to be held in Tucson, Arizona, on April 10-15,
2000. The plenary program for the conference will be announced shortly
(some details are included below). Submissions for concurrent oral
sessions and for poster sessions are welcome from researchers in all
disciplines engaged in the study of consciousness.


Abstracts (500 word maximum) are due October 15, 1999. If possible,
please submit abstracts by e-mail to If this is
not possible, send to:

Abstracts/Tucson Conference
Imprint Academic
PO Box 1
Thorverton, Exeter EX5 5YX
Fax: +44 1392 841478

Include title, authors, and affiliations. Designate presenting author,
corresponding author (address/phone/fax/e-mail). Any individual may be
presenting author on at most one submission. Please indicate preference
for oral or poster presentation. Please indicate numbers for primary and
subsidiary subject classification according to the taxonomy attached
below. Late abstracts will be considered but will be given lower

Abstracts will be published in a special edition of the Journal of
Consciousness Studies.


There will be a $250 award for the best student paper. To be eligible,
you must be a a full-time student and be sole author of your paper. You
must submit an e-mail version of your full paper (no more than 5000 words,
including figures and references) by March 10, 2000 to If you qualify and wish to participate, please
indicate this when sending in your abstract.


Presentations delivered as posters will be eligible for an award of
$200.00. Posters will be judged on the basis of their content and visual
quality. The award will be made to the presenting author.


The plenary program will include sessions on neural synchrony, the "grand
illusion" hypothesis about visual consciousness, consciousness and
volition, first-person methodologies, quantum computation, first-person
perspectives on disorders of consciousness, synesthesia, altered states of
consciousness, a session on the state of the field at the millenium, and a
number of other topics. Plenary speakers will include David Albert,
Gerald Edelman, Chris Frith, Stephen Kosslyn, Nancy Kanwisher, Knut
Nordby, John O'Keefe, Roger Penrose, John Searle, Francisco Varela,
Christoph von der Malsburg, B. Alan Wallace, Lawrence Weiskrantz, and many
others. Full details will be announced shortly.


In the fall 1999 "Consciousness Bulletin", the dates of the conference
were listed incorrectly in one place. The actual dates are April 10-15,
1999. Note also that the taxonomy of subjects given in that bulletin has
been updated slightly, and should be replaced by the taxonomy below.


Registration information will be available in November 1999. For more
information, see the website for Consciousness Studies at the University
of Arizona,

or contact

Jim Laukes
Consciousness Studies
Department of Psychology
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721 USA


01.00 Philosophy
01.01 The concept of consciousness
01.02 Ontology of consciousness
01.03 Materialism and dualism
01.04 Qualia
01.05 Machine consciousness
01.06 Mental causation and the function of consciousness
01.07 The "hard problem" and the explanatory gap
01.08 Higher-order thought
01.09 Epistemology and philosophy of science
01.10 Personal identity and the self
01.11 Free will and agency
01.12 Intentionality and representation
01.13 Miscellaneous

02.00 Neuroscience
02.01 Neural correlates of consciousness (general)
02.02 Vision
02.03 Other sensory modalities
02.04 Motor control
02.05 Memory and learning
02.06 Blindsight
02.07 Neuropsychology and neuropathology
02.08 Anesthesia
02.09 Cellular and sub-neural processes
02.10 Quantum neurodynamics
02.11 Pharmacology
02.12 Neural synchrony and binding
02.13 Emotion
02.14 Sleep and waking
02.15 Specific brain areas
02.16 Miscellaneous

03.00 Cognitive Science & Psychology
03.01 Attention
03.02 Vision
03.03 Other sensory modalities
03.04 Memory and learning
03.05 Emotion
03.06 Language
03.07 Mental imagery
03.08 Implicit and explicit processes
03.09 Unconscious/conscious processes
03.10 Sleep and dreaming
03.11 Cognitive development
03.12 Artificial intelligence & robotics
03.13 Neural networks and connectionism
03.14 Cognitive architectures
03.15 Ethology
03.16 Self-consciousness and metacognition
03.17 Temporal consciousness
03.18 Intelligence and creativity
03.19 Miscellaneous

04.00 Physical and Biological Sciences
04.01 Quantum theory
04.02 Space and time
04.03 Integrative models
04.04 Emergent and hierarchical systems
04.05 Nonlinear dynamics
04.06 Logic and computational theory
04.07 Bioelectromagnetics/resonance effects
04.08 Biophysics and living processes
04.09 Evolution of consciousness
04.10 Medicine and healing
04.11 Miscellaneous

05.00 Experiential Approaches
05.01 Phenomenology
05.02 Meditation, contemplation & mysticism
05.03 Hypnosis
05.04 Other altered states of consciousness
05.05 Transpersonal and humanistic psychology
05.06 Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy
05.07 Lucid dreaming
05.08 Anomalous experiences
05.09 Parapsychology
05.10 Miscellaneous

06.00 Culture and Humanities
06.01 Literature and hermeneutics
06.02 Art and aesthetics
06.03 Music
06.04 Religion
06.05 Mythology
06.06 Sociology
06.07 Anthropology
06.08 Information technology
06.09 Ethics and legal studies
06.10 Education
06.11 Miscellaneous


Jim Laukes <jlaukes@U.Arizona.EDU>

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