Dreaming, asleep, awake and in LOs LO22869

Luis J. Colorado (luiscolorado@home.net)
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:29:41 -0400

Replying to LO22859 --

I agree ... but the most ironic thing about daydreeming is that leaving
free our mind to fly and play requires a good deal of effort. We are so
used to be stressed, to be precise, that is very difficult to let the mind
go. Maybe is fear of going to far and not knowing how to come back, or
fear to find things that may challenge our current structure of values and

I have tried daydreaming as a creativity tool, and it works wonderfully in
my case. However, it's not easy, and probably the last time I did it was
years ago. Maybe I'll try something today...

Best regards,


AM de Lange Wrote:

>Max, you consider dreaming as the fertile ground on which creative
>processes can happen. I consider it as part and parcel of the act of
>creation. Fertile ground is never just out there. It is always a creative
>outcome by nature or culture. Any modification of fertile ground is for
>worse. Fertile gound is part and parcel of a plant growing lushly.


"Luis J. Colorado" <luiscolorado@home.net>

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