Harriet Robles asked if others find themselves daydreaming a lot. I guess
it all depends what we call daydreaming. To my husband, it means letting
the mind go blank and thinking of nothing. To me it means relaxing my
brain and letting it solve problems and unravel mysteries that a tensed up
mind cannot fathom. My best solutions invariably arrive at 2 in the
morning. I will not be aware that I'm trying to solve a problem or arrive
at an innovative idea, but in the middle of the night...voila! There it
Daydreaming is like that for me as well. Just curious, Harriet. How do
you define daydreaming? Does your mind draw connections that appear
random but eventually align into some form of coherent thought? Or do you
take little mental vacations? Actually, I do that too, but not as much as
the first type of daydreaming.
Fun question.
Vana Prewitt
Praxis Learning Systems
Chapel Hill, NC
--Vana Prewitt <vana@praxislearning.org>
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