Boundaryless Organization LO22907

John Zavacki (
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:42:01 -0400

Replying to LO22902 --

Winfried begins:
> in Linear Thinking LO22882, At de Lange mentioned various types of
> thinking and what may become of it. I added to that list while reading
> "Deming thinking" (leading to 'TQM'), "Hammer thinking" (leading to
> 'Reengineering'), "Jones thinking " (leading to 'Lean').

> When Deming stresses that TQM is not what he had in mind and in fact
> contradicts what
> he had to say, then this is for me a good example of what can
> happen. At wrote: "And who are surprised most -- those who stressed one
> essentiality while not denying the other six."

Deming wrote of a System of Profound Knowledge based on:
A Theory of Knowledge
An Understanding of Variation
An Appreciation for Systems

Nowhere in his writing did he mention "TQM". The historical basis for
this term is in US Department of Defense programmatic thinking derived
from Val Fiegenbaum's "TQC", an engineering based system for quality
planning and control, aimed specifically at the manufacturing sector.
Deming's work is still a paramount example of "enlightened" management and
is the a good part of the foundation for Organizational Learning. I have
studied Deming's work, especially "The New Economics" for years. I have
read accounts of his students and his clients. I have encountered no such
"contradiction". TQM was NOT what he had in mind. Deming did not write
or teach about "Quality Management". He wrote about leadership and
management. He stressed both a quantitative approach and a spiritual
approach and also wrote that there can be no learning without theory.

If you have a citation that shows this "contradiction", please share it
with the group that we may understand it from our own perspectives.

John Zavacki <>


"John Zavacki" <>

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