Here are five "Performance Management in the News" articles found on the
web which I thought you might be interested in. Click on the URL to read
each article, or to view the listing of all "PM in the News" articles go
* Has 360 feedback gone amok?
* The Case of the (Un-)Balanced Scorecard
* CEO Appraisals: Holding Corporate Leadership Accountable
* Behind the Scenes at One CEO's Performance Review
* Cultural contrasts of performance feedback use and self-efficacy
Has 360 Feedback GoneAamok?
This article explores the outcomes that organizations can realistically
expect from 360 feedback systems, and provides recommendations for
implementing innovations such as 360 feedback to best ensure improvements
will be realized and the process will be a success.
The Case of the (Un-)Balanced Scorecard
Case-study presentation and discussion of a software start-up's
implementation of the Balanced Scorecard to track its non-financial
performance with two year results.
CEO Appraisals: Holding Corporate Leadership Accountable
Extensive article describing how and why a board should conduct
performance appraisals for the CEO.
Behind the Scenes at One CEO's Performance Review
Performance reviews may be routine at lower levels of corporations, but
they are still a rarity at the top. Here's one example of a real life
"How did I do?" versus "How did we do?": Cultural contrasts of
performance feedback use and self-efficacy
Research study uses a laboratory experiment to study the relationship
between an individual's cultural values and performance feedback referents
to an individual's self-efficacy. The results show that, depending on
cultural values held, participants relied on different combinations of
individual- and group-based feedback. The results are discussed with
regard to a general model of self-efficacy and culture in an
organizational environment.
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-- Jack
Jack Zigon Email:
President URL:
Zigon Performance Group Voice: 610-891-9599
604 Crum Creek Road Fax: 610-891-9055
Media, PA 19063-1646 USA Orders: 800-244-2892
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--Jack Zigon <>
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