Just 10 days left to register for Collaborate 99!
Last year's Collaborate '98 last year was a remarkable gathering of over
450 people from 19 countries. This year's program promises an exciting
reunion! We had such an amazing time together last year we hope you will
attend again and tell your friends and colleagues!
This year we are adding streaming video presentations! Our featured
speaker will be Dee Hock, Founder of Visa, International, and The Chaordic
Alliance, who will frame the event with a video presentation each week
including insights from his soon to be released book, "Birth of the
Chaordic Age".
Join Dee and an impressive line up of noted industry leaders for a fully
interactive exploration of Organizations of the Future.
Our keynoters are:
-- Art Kleiner, writer: The Dance of Change; The Age of
Heretics (week one)
-- Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, The Networking
Institute (week two)
-- John Adams, Eartheart Enterprises (week three.)
Meet hundreds of participants from all over the globe and never get on an
airplane at this World Wide Web Event! And because it's a virtual
conference, you can participate any time 24/7, for three weeks from your
home, office, or laptop computer anyplace in the world.
Collaborate '99 pushes the boundary in demonstrating the theme
Organizations of the Future. Participate in web conferences, view
streaming video presentations, listen to audio presentations, join
facilitated discussions with keynote speakers, create your own discussion
areas of interest. Receive a full copy of the program and content
generated during the event on CD following Collaborate '99.
Join online dialogue in sessions by:
* Laura Christensen, Warner Lambert, and Lisa Kimball, Caucus Systems; *
Stan Herman, Changing the role of the OD in the New Economy; * Roland
Livingston, Individuals' Response to Change; * George Land, Leadership
2000; * Don Beck, National Values Center and author of Spiral Dynamics; *
Barbara Weaver Smith, Virtual SOHO; * Pavan Vohra, A.T. Kearney Co, Top
10 Lessons Learned in Organizing for the Digital Economy; * Mary Ann
Allison, "The Complexity Advantage" with Michael J. Jacobson, Jon Ramer,
Tony Fross, and Captain Brian Widdowson; * Ron Ashkenas, "Organizations
of the Future: Back to the Basics at the Speed of Light"; * Frank Burns
Caucus Systems and Don Van Eynde; Trinity University; * Michael Mazarr,
Global Trends 2005; * Dori Digenti, Case Study: Collaborative Learning
Network; * Joel Getzendanner, The Chaordic Alliance; and * Karen Davis,
OD from an International Perspective.
Access virtual Keynotes, Concurrent Sessions, Open Space forum,
Interactive Cafe, Exhibit Hall, and links to White Papers, Interviews,
Summaries of Sessions, Newsletters, an Online Bookstore, and a Participant
Directory for virtual networking in the "hallways". Plus, the event
archive will be provided to you on CD following the program, so you may
review the event information at your own pace.
We're building a virtual exhibit hall and if you would like to find out
about exhibiting at Collaborate '99, contact Leslie Rae at
rae@wolfenet.com The website is located at
Join with a group and receive a group discount!
For details and registration, visit http://www.odnet.org/collaborate99
Collaborate '99 is co-produced by OD Network (http://www.odnet.org) and
Caucus Systems (http://www.caucus.com). We look forward to your inquiries
and comments on our program. For more information, contact
Amy Eunice, Caucus Systems & Matt Minahan, The Minahan Group
----------- Matt Minahan, Ed.D, The Minahan Group --------- Organization Strategy, Design, and Development Consultants http://www.minahangroup.com Phone: 301-625-0101 email:matt@minahangroup.com Fax: 301-625-0202
-- Counting down to Collaborate 99! Join Dee Hock, Art Kleiner, Jessica Lipnack, Jeffrey Stamps, John Adams, and many, many more at our *virtual* online conference on Organizations of the Future, Nov 1-19. Visit http://www.odnet.org to register!Visit the Business & Mgmt. Bookshelf - summaries of best books in HR, interviewing, leadership, motivation, training activities , and a number of other categories. Save time and money while finding the best books. http://members.xoom.com/topbooks
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>