A child's sheet of paper, torn carefully from the book of exercises- did
we not all have one at the start of our term?
How pristine was that little book, that 'exercise' book.
No subject; not English, Mathematics, Geography, or History.
The little book of our mental meanderings?
A child walks in off the street and thrusts it into Anona's hand.
'Here, for you!'
Runs off smilingly back into the street.
What is this?
A picture.
Of what?
Two golden fish, one seeming guiding the other in a stream, almost
identical orange amongst blue.
Recto. Words.
'For you, To keep, For ever. LOVE ROBIN.'
I have no idea, thought or reason better than LOVE.
To me this is ALL a very great and a very minute miracle.
Thank you Robin.
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>