I recomend you to contact the project management institute (PMI)
as I remember, or maybe you would contact to Dr. Hans Thamhain in Bentley
College (in Massachussets) who is member of the PMI. I dont have his Email
at this moment but you can easy find him on the Web.
Alan Garcia
U. Autonoma de Yucatan.
Bob Williams wrote:
> A colleague of mine asked me whether I knew any project management tools,
> that were consistent with action learning approaches. Since I can't get
> past the words "project management" without conjuring up images of those
> awful PERT charts, my advice was limited to a few bits and pieces. Given
> the complexity of project management there are probably only bits and
> pieces, but it would be nicer to know that there are lots of bit and
> pieces.
> Bob Williams <>
--Alan <>
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