Film "Mindwalk" as Intro to ST LO23113

Terry Priebe (
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 10:21:01 -0500

Replying to LO23083 --

Dennis Campbell <> asked

>Have any of you used the film "Mindwalk" as an introduction to Systems
>Thinking? I would be interested in hearing how you used it and how
>participants responded

Dennis, Good morning,

I was a participant in the first Peter Senge Organizational Learning
Consortium "long course" a number of years ago. This was a five day
immersion into Systems Thinking - 8AM to into the night. I don't recall
which evening Mindwalk was shown, maybe the second evening, but everyone
was dead tired from an exhilarating day's activities.

When Mindwalk was shown, however, we all sparked into attention and
continued the "dialogue" of ST through this great film.

I've seen the film a number of times since, each time a refreshing
experience. You actually feel "good" from the experience.

My experience was echoed by others. I do think it's important (at least
useful) to have the heavy immersion of ST topics preceding the film and an
environment that makes such a viewing experience "legitimate" so that the
viewers can be drawn into the film without group expectations and be
affected by the conversations of the actors.

Best Regards,

Terry Priebe
Decision Support Associates, Inc.

[Host's Note: Thanks for the mention, Terry. The movie "Mindwalk" is still
part of the usual SoL "Core" course, still a five-day format. The program
takes people to pretty deep thinking and conversation and the movie is a
good fit in that context. ..Rick]


"Terry Priebe" <>

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