PDSA and Double-Loop Learning LO23133

Gijs Houtzagers (G.Houtzagers@inter.nl.net)
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 08:34:03 +0100

Replying to LO23115 --

Argyris has added now deutero loop learning. This is th combination of
Single Loop and Double Loop Learning. Single Loop Learning means capturing
and correction of errors without rearranging organizational strategies and
objectives. SLL adds only to the individual skills and competences. With
Double-Loop Learning the organization is actively involved in a continuos
change process concerning attitude, objectives, strategy and procedures.
DLL has vast implications for the structure of the memory of the
organization and organization specific competences and routines. I have
used the theories of Argyris for an article on the infrastructure of
knowledgemanagement. For those who are interested I have a picture that
clearly distinquishes SLL and DLL.

Kind regards

Gijs Houtzagers
Principal business consultant HRMIS and employee benefit systems
Ward Cambell International
Steenovenweg 3
5708 HN Helmond
The Netherlands
Tel. 31 492 523 000
Fax 31 492 598 299
E-mail g.houtzagers@wardcambell.com

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Gijs Houtzagers <G.Houtzagers@inter.nl.net>

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