It occurs to me that questions concerning belief, raise up naturally while
talking about Entropy.
In order to make my point, I would like to raise a question:
How do we know a BELIEVER when we meet one?
Is it by his previous deeds?
Is it by the style he preaches?
Can we predict the BELIEVER's way?
I suspect there is a clear NO answer to my last question, but
I'm not sure I can proove it.
We call somebody "a Believer" when we acknowlegde a high level of
consistency in what he's done so far. Most probable we can't predict what
is he going to do next (we can't even give him a good advice, as
This situation reminds me most of all what we know about the weather, and
if so, then it's possible to model some mental activities in the
mathematical theory of Chaos (Mandelbrott's famous work).
Judy Tal
--Judy Meisels Tal <>
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