Linear Thinking LO23185
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 07:20:55 +0100

Replying to LO23127 --

>You are right, Rick, when there is nothing left to learn. But I am still
>puzzled... And as long as Steve is willing to continue the argument, I am
>willing to listen. And if I am able to find an effective way to
>communicate with Steve, I am sure that I improve my communication skills
>for corporate life in general.

Although this year has been more than usually hectic - we're downsizing
for the third time this year - I try to scan through the digest every day.
And Winfried's reply to Steve (LO023127) is one of the best examples of a
willingness and openness to learn that I've ever come across! I've made a
print-out of the whole message and intend to keep it on the wall in front
of me as a reminder to myself that I have the power to improve
communication if I take the time to listen with empathy and am willing to
open up and admit my way of seeing the world is not necessarily the only

I may have interpreted your message in a way that you didn't intend,
Winfried, as I have not followed the discussion on entropy. Nonetheless,
this started a thought process in my head - and for that I thank you.


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