LO in Public sector LO23213

Thu, 11 Nov 1999 12:24:00 +0100

Hi Malcolm,

I read your mail to the LO discussion list, and agree to your list, as
well as to the add-ons of Yekoutiel.

I work in the European Commission, an international organisation made of
15 European member states, with own legal status and competencies. My
position is in a staff department (a team of 5) to help operational-line
colleagues design and conduct "evaluation" projects with external
consultants. Based on the findings of evaluations, we are supposed to
re-orient, expand or abandon programmes and policies. So, they're
supposed to be learning experiences.

To develop my own impact on achieving learning occur, I see myself as
"internal consultant": The responsibility to *act* and to *decide* lies
with my "operational" colleagues, while I may try to *inform* or to
*convince*. There are some techniques that make this work. The most
important I see is the nurturing of relationships: Identify your customers
as such, provide them with high quality service, and build trust.

We organise workshops and training venues, we have created an "evaluation
network" with colleagues monitoring and managing evaluation projects in
operational departments, and we publicise the evaluations done (check our

How you're doing?
Any comments from you colleagues out there?


Rainer v. Leoprechting
European Commission
Budget Directorate General

e-mail: Rainer.von-leoprechting@cec.eu.int



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