Dear Learners,
"The highest pitch of every passion is always to will its own downfall;
and so it is also the supreme passion of the Reason to seek a collision,
though this collision must in one way or another prove its undoing. The
supreme paradox of all thought is the attempt to discover something that
thought cannot think." Søren Kierkegaard
John has asked At, among other things to,
> Please explain your empirical?
>demonstration of the law of entropy production in the spiritual world
>without (1) messing around with the meaning of "empirical" and without
>(2) requiring us to share your religious beliefs or faith.
I will risk appearing the fool because the rewards will be great for me if
I too can understand what John means to understand, but first I have to
ask something, so John, Please explain to me 'without any messing about
with meanings' demonstrate your metaphysic of the terms 'spiritual,'
'beliefs' and 'faiths'.
My foolish mind has always found them the same -apart that is, from the
spelling ;-)
Best wishes and learningfully,
Andrew Campbell.
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