Instrument for Systems Thinking Inclination LO23268

Bill Godfrey (
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:20:51 +1100

Replying to LO23183 --

Marcia Salner (then of the Saybrook Institute in San Francisco wrote an
article published in Systems research Vol 3 No 4 pp 225 - 232. The title
is "Adult Cognitive and Epistemological Development in Systems Education"

The abstract begins:

"The purpose ... is to identify competencies that are essential to systems
learning ... Specifically,the paper describes various stages of adult
cognitive development, utilizing the theoretical framework of William
Perry, and shows how these stages are related to basic epistemological
issues .... The paper argues that general systems theory can not be
adequately understood or applied ..... until their thinking has reached a
particular developmental level AND they have integrated particular
epistemological assumptions into their world views. ..."

I have not seen any further work from this, but in principle the argument
could well lead to development of an 'instrument' and may have done so.

As the article is now old, it may be difficult to find. I would be happy
to fax a copy if given a number.

Bill Godfrey
Bill Godfrey & Associates Pty Ltd
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