Dialog, Discussion, Debate LO23275

Barry Mallis (bmallis@markem.com)
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 07:37:52 -0500

Replying to LO23245 --

Steve and At,

I read the last posting of Nov. 15 with great interest. While coming late
to the dialog, I nonetheless was riveted by the distinctions you two made
between indaba and the European model, such as they are. Thank you for
provoking my mind.

One other form of communication in which humans speak to one another in a
group is the sohbet. Within Islam, I believe it has many variations. Among
some Sufis, for example, you can find a circle of individuals resting on
pillows, on a carpet, sharing in words their deepest reactions to the
moment -- posing a question; describing despair; crying out praise;
speaking the unspeakable, thinking the unthinkable, on what perhaps is the
border between the intuitive and the deductive.

I think that in its most easily understandable form, the sohbet is akin to
this LO site, but with the kind of presence and form which only comes from
human proximity.


Barry Mallis, Manager - Training and Development
MARKEM Corporation
www.markem.com  |  email: bmallis@markem.com
voice: 603 357-4255 ext. 2578 | FAX: 603 352-0525

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