After reading and rereading a lot of recent contributions to this list, I
may confidently say that we realy form e Learning Organisation!
It has been mentioned earlier that we may thank our host Rick for creating
and facilitating an environment where thoughts are constently stimulated
to flow; it is a 'fluxy' environment. All kinds of thought flows run to
all kind of directions, they regularly turn around and find earlier flows
(which were still running). And regularly the birth of new offsprings
could be observed. Is this a dialogue, discussion, debate, or indaba :-)
Rick, you deserve a reward as the "invisible creator and host of a
Learning Environment".
[Host's Note: Thank you, Leo. ..Rick]
It has been earlier mentioned that At de Lange is our most regular
contributer, contributing the highest quantity of words. It is rather
unusual to find contributions on a general discussion list which pass 1000
words. The contributions of At seldomly are less. Probably in each country
there is a fiction writer which receives the name: "s/he writes faster
than God could read". Well, At deserves that title too.
Recently At himself pointed to the fact that he seldomly initiates the
birth of a new offspring of discussion/thought flows. No, to the contrary.
He always stimulates the forth going of the flows, sometimes suggesting to
return to one or more earlier flows and currents. It is as if he stirrs
the waters, it is as he opens new directions, it is as he adds new water
so that the flow maintains or increases. However he does this work without
dictating, direct answering, direct influence on the direction of flow. He
could hook to each direction and immediately catch-up the velocity of the
flow. Any disturbance is as much as possible avoided. And as we could
observe, the vivid birth of a variety of offsprings happens daily and
seemingly spotaneous.
The effect of this 'avoiding disturbences' is that we feel free. Each of
us may use their own wordings, lengths of contributions, issues and
directions to flow. Only in very, very rare cases a minor correction of
Rick might be necessary.
Both, Rick and At look in their own ways to the 'dassein' of all of us. We
could and may act with our own identity. However, they both look too, to a
'mitsein'-environment. We are aware of most currents and flows in this
environment, we may hook too, to each of these flows. At de Lange's role
is somewhat different from Rick's. At tries to open our eyes with an
unbelievable patience and love to see the covering themes of our complex
fluxy environment: it is a level of systems thinking, I never met before.
It is wisdom in optima forma.
And so I come to the subject heading:
(see LO23287: dassein-->learning individual; mitsein-->learning
I have consulted some ethymological dictionaries to find the roots of the
word 'wisdom' (Dutch: wijsheid, wijsdom; German: Weisheit, Weistum). I
sense that the root of this word has something to do with
'we'/'wij'/wir.However I could not find definite clues for this
hypothesis. But, with the dassein/mitsein dialogue still freshly in our
thoughts, we may claim that the true 'learning organisation' becomes an
organisation with much wisdom.
And this organisation becomes like that, when the sum of the individuals
are a 'we'. This means that nobody outside such organisation could claim
or dictate that it is a learning organisation, but only the 'we' who could
say such.
And it is At de Lange who opened our eyes for this wisdom and I think I
could speek for most of 'us' (that is really my feeling - - we/us) that
"being an individual (dassein), acting together in a learning (flowing)
environment results in a learning organisation with a lot of wisdom
And for this 'eye- and mind-opener' At deserves a reward, the reward of
And we?? Yes we, all of us, acting and lurking, we may give ourselves a
medal to be in a true learning organisation.
Thank you all, and let us continue with our fascinating journey,
dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.
--Leo Minnigh <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>