Not trying to add to the confusion, rather I am one trying to clarify some
of the language used, along with trying to figure out how story telling,
learning histories, and communities of practice fit into this general
My purpose of writing today is to solicit those who would like to
participate in survey, which will be done through a new service that came
up on the web in the last few weeks.
My survey will be out in the late December/early January time frame. In
order to better understand the number of people who might be interested in
such a survey, I am doing my exploring at this time to collect the
information. At about the same time, I hope to start a discussion here
about the same topic. I know it has been on here before, because I have
been a reader for a little over a year.
If you would be interested in participating in the survey, please let me
know. It will be either electronic through this new "survey service," or
email. I will provide postage paid envelopes for those who would like a
hard copy to mail back.
Those interested in the final copy will get a free copy, either electronic
or by mail, your choice.
--Bill Harvey <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>