Steve, in response to Winfried, says:
>That is: the term "pressure" as I use it is indeed a metaphor, and I
>quickly admit as much when you "press" me.
>Do you admit similarly that "entropy production" is not real, but is a
The earlier part of the message quoted above dealt with "negation" vs
"suppression" of ideas. The topic, and Steve's skillful closing reminded
me of a lecture I once attended on the relationship of skepticism to
suicide. Metaphorically, they are identical. Skepticism, because it
cannot solve a particular perceptual problem, negates suppresses the
problem by relegating it to a position of nonexistence in the mental model
of the skeptic. This is philosophical suicide, you see. Skepticism
destroys dialogue and removes the skeptic from the plane of psychological
existence on which the problem or model exists. I believe the strong
evangelism of the essentialities people is a form of paradigm shift that
is similar to skepticism in that it negates/suppresses mental models
(other than the current being/becoming of the essentialitists) to a
position of nonexistence or perhaps, postexistence.
It's much like faith, isn't it?
--"John Zavacki" <>
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