Distance learning options in OD LO23366

Elaine Clarke (wilsclar@globalnet.co.uk)
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:33:08 -0000

Replying to LO22408 --

You might like to take a look at the MA in Individual and Organisational
Development at the Harrow Business School, University of Westminster.
It's a 'burst mode' programme of study, so much of the work is done at a
distance, and you then attend intensive workshops every two or three
months. I don't have the details to hand, but you could try contacting
the Course Leader, Di Widdis, at widdisd@wmin.ac.uk.

Best of luck,
Elaine Clarke

>I am looking at continuing my studies with a focus on organisation
>development. As I am not mobile (my husband has a stationary job), I'm
>looking at options for distance learning. I've found 3 programmes so far
>- at Pepperdine, The Fielding Institute (both in California), and the
>University of London's Birkbeck College.
>Does anyone on the list serve have information or opinions about any of
>these programmes? Do you know of any others which I might pursue?
>Susan Maury
>e-mail: Susan_Maury@Habitat.Org
>or Maury5@email.msn.com


"Elaine Clarke" <wilsclar@globalnet.co.uk>

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