Belief LO23398

Heidi and Dan Chay (
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 16:09:22 -0900

There seems to be belief which impairs learning that happens by ladder of inference where people fail to test their assumptions or make explicit their inferences.

Ladder of inference: taking action based on beliefs, formed on the basis of conclusions, drawn from assumptions made, based on cultural and personal meanings, given to data, selected from the set of all observable data and experiences and these beliefs af
fecting what data will be selected next time. (Fifth Discipline Fieldbook)

And then we have seen belief as At uses the word, as I understand it, belief which precedes the emergence of sapient learning (wisdom), and which emerges from explicit learning, which emerges from tacit learning, which emerges from experiential learning.
I might call it ladder of emergence.

At, how do you reconcile these?


"Heidi and Dan Chay" <>

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