My background is rather eclectic and has included work, travel,
unemployment, and now, am back to school doing an MA in Environmental
Studies. These past years, I have been exposed to quite a few different
organizations, big and small. The "learning organization concepts" make a
lot of sense to me. BUT, of course, I find the big challenge is actually
implementing them.
I would like to dialogue with people on this listserv to find out more
about how to apply these LO ideas. I have a tendency to be too much of a
"revolutionary" without much power or status within an organization, and
therefore, seem to be charging at the establishment, time and again, only
to get myself properly impaled. I believe my key shortcomings are probably
impatience and tactlessness. But these are relevant issues, too.
How does one balance one's enthusiasm and sense of urgency with present
realities, and harmonize oneself to the pace of change, so the maximum
effects can be achieved? In other words, how do different people, like
yourselves, manage to achieve changes, or at least, create the climate
conducive for change and responsiveness?
This is actually a deeper question than one might think. Is it largely the
practical features--eg, having a good computer or accounting system? Or I
wonder if you are relying on your intuition and/or have a healing personal
presence about you? What activities help you to "flow" better? (eg,
physical exercise, relaxation techniques, art and creative hobbies, even a
stable partner and good sex)
I must sound extremely crass, but I am being honest. I want to be able to
explore all these ideas and issues, as I am interested in wholistic
perspectives and approaches.
I would like to eventually form a sustainable non-profit organization or
co-operative that offers various self-empowering services to its
members/clients/constituents, such as affordable and nutritious food,
personal development activities, and basically, just creating an
environment that facilitates a sense of individual and community wellness.
I believe this can help create better understanding and, hence, improve
co-operation among us all towards saving this planet and its inhabitants.
Thanks for listening!
--Alternative Energy <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>