When is something real? LO23438

Mon, 29 Nov 1999 23:02:51 -0600

Replying to LO23421 --

On 29 Nov 99, at 9:50, Philip Pogson wrote:

> In your long post, the excerpts below from one paragraph seems to me to
> summarise the issues.
> >But, there's also a question about people on the street:
> Are we all not "people in the street?" Howard Gardner argues in "Leading
> Minds" that even "sophisticated professionals" have a mental age of 8-10
> years outside their key area of expertise. Why then should it surprise us
> that all people at all times do not understand all things equally well?

Just a quick comment. First, I think it is a good distinction to make here
on this list, unless of course our only interests are to wax philisophic.
I don't think the conversations on this list are even typical of those
interested in learning organizations, let alone, "regular folks", and
quite honestly, I'm really glad that the tone and approach here is not the

Second, I'm sorry, but Gardner's statement is a kind of empty statement
for the mass readers. It severely misuses the concept of mental age, and
is misleading.

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