In addition to lo23434:
Discussions on knowledge management often suffer from a classification
problem. It is important to define the terms related to knowledge
1. Data: atomic single or lists of facts, meaningless without a structure.
2. Data sets: a number of data related to a subject.
3. Information: related data sets combined in a sense-making entity.
4. Knowledge: digested information by an individual or a group of individuals
5. Wisdom: exploring knowledge to create new information and knowledge.
Knowledge management is a conscious attempt of an organization to capture
and increase competitiveness, innovation force and productivity in a world
with fast changing technology en volatile markets. Knowledge management
is the source for communication, understanding, quality of decision-making
and sharing of knowledge. It contains the transformationprocess:
data-information-knowledge with a clear defined infrastructure in order to
prevent InfoGlut
Knowledge management consists of four components (Huber, 1991) that are
strongly interrelated with each other. Those components are: The
distribution of knowledge The acquisition of knowledge The interpretation
of knowledge The organizational memory
These components are all essential parts of knowledge management, but have
quite different characters. These differences in characters are the reason
that the supporting processes are owned by various disciplines in an
organization. This complicates the implementation of a balanced
The processes of the components can be divided in transformation and
transaction processes. In transformation processes the original data is
subject to a change or the data changes the environment. The data is the
primary actor, not the process. In short the "what" is central. In
Transaction processes it is all about the process and its construction.
The "how" is central.
Kind regards
Gijs Houtzagers
Principal business consultant HRMIS and employee benefit systems
Ward Cambell International
Steenovenweg 3
5708 HN Helmond
The Netherlands
Tel. 31 492 523 000
Fax 31 492 598 299
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--Gijs Houtzagers <>
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