In the discussions of the past several weeks the question has been,
phrased in many ways, "Is there such a thing as a learning organization?"
I believe that is the wrong question. All organizations are learning, that
is all the people with in them are learning. The question is what are they
To cover up mistakes or to learn from them
To avoid criticism by not expressing view points
To wait and see or step out and try
To spend energy trying to look good or using data to actually improve the
The real issue for management is what actions are we taking that cause the
behavior not in best interest of the organization or it's members..
All people are learning from their organization what behavior are they
adopting because of it?
Eugene Taurman
I don't think this perspective is common knowledge at all, and frankly I
confess to having succumbed to the illusion that the "organization" =
"company". As an organization development consultant, my focus is on the
comapny and improving their excellence. In doing this, it benefits the
customer, the stockholder, etc.
However, within a learning organization, one cannot assume that the
stockholder or customer will learn simply because members of the company
learn. A deliberate purpose must exist for this to occur. I've honestly
not seen a model for an LO that encompasses the customer, stockholder, and
community. Does one exist?
--"Eugene Taurman" <>
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