Mind mapping as Learning Tool LO23486

Martin Silcock (martin.silcock@dial.pipex.com)
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:06:01 -0000

Dear all

I was wondering whether there are people on the list who have had
experience of using mind mapping software, what contexts they used it,
what they learned and what the benefits they found in helping develop
"learning organisations" and managing personal knowledge.

I have recently set up an e-group "learning community" to explore and
share experience in this area.(details below) We are still young (2-3
weeks) however have already held an on-line conference using mind mapping
software as a collaborative tool which was really encouraging.

I would be really interested in any anecdotes both positive and negative
on the use of this kind of software.

For those interested there is a now a really good value piece of mind
mapping software available at http://www.eMindMaps.com that is worth a
look, as is e-groups http://www.egroups.com a really easy place to explore
creating on-line learning communities...for free!



Martin Silcock- Explorate....leveraging Brand Knowledge

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"Martin Silcock" <martin.silcock@dial.pipex.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>