How does our theory become practice? LO23523

Steve Eskow (
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 11:09:23 -0700

For those of us with a bent for theory, for the flash and dash of ideas,
this LO list is gold mine, each day bringing new nuggets.

What is less clear, to me at least, is how one goes about determining the
link between theory and practice, how one chooses theories that can help
improve the working of a particular organization.

At this point I assume the only "organization" that all of us on this list
have in common is LO itself.

A virtual organization, in a time when virtual organizations are becoming
the norm.

How does a virtual organization like LO "learn"?

Which of the theories developed here explain the workings of LO, and
suggest ways that it might "learn" to do its work better?

Theories of linear and nonlinear thinking? Or, does "entropy" gives us
clues as to how LO might more of a difference to all of us? Or
"hierarchy": does that notion explain how we might improve?

For example: should we consider forming sub groups, "communities of
practice," or "discourse communities," so that those interested in going
deeply into a particular topic might do so?

Or, perhaps, is the answer that unlike the organizations that each of us
faces in our offlist lives, LO itself does not need to learn, to grow, to



Steve Eskow <>

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