Profit motive vs. LO LO23541
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 10:37:34 -0500

Replying to LO23516 --

Robert Bacal noted that one of my posts seemed to jump back and forth
between individuals and organizations when talking about the profit
motive, and asked for some clarification.

Fair questions, and ones that I think further the discussion and increase
the potential for learning. They do this not only by forcing me to be
clear, but also because Robert asked me to explain my underlying


I think that profit is not a good motive for individuals or organizations.
Profit is necessary for both: Individuals will starve, organizations
require profit to carry out their other goals. I believe that individuals
and society would be healthier if both individuals and organizations
committed to a higher goal of improving society in some way. Even Gandhi
always balanced the books and stayed in the black!



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