Profit motive vs. LO LO23570
Sun, 12 Dec 1999 09:17:34 -0500

Replying to LO23566 --

Robert Bacal made the point that:

>If one is going to suggest that this change, then it seems to me,
>that to be coherent, one would have to describe how a society NOT
>based on profit would work. And so far, the best minds of the world
>have not been able to make those descriptions into reality.

I am not suggesting a radical shift to socialism. (As an aside, I don't
think that humanity generally is mature enough - meaning selfless and
assertive enough - to make socialism work effectively yet.) To me,
Southwest Airlines is an example of a company to which profit is important
and which has done extremely well over a 20+ year period of time -
financially and in other measures. However, to Southwest, profit is not
the main objective. Providing inexpensive airfares so that more people
can afford to fly is what drives the company.



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