Profit motive vs. LO LO23613

Roy Benford (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 13:18:38 -0000

Replying to LO23591 --


>.....................................I don't totally
>understand how I hurt you by the projection of my framework onto your
>community work.

Frameworks are a useful tool to try and make some sense of the world and
one way they do this is by simplifying the world. The danger is that we
then project this simplification on to people. In my view, sexism and
racism are examples of frameworks being projected on to people.

>I thought there was a bit of cynicism in your last paragraph, as if there
>were an indictment of me for having what you describe as
>"profit-orientated" (sic) framework.

The purpose of my original posting was to say "here is a piece of my
personal experience that does not seem to fit your framework". The bit of
cynicism was "well, you might not have liked the bit I offered you but you
have found your own bit that does not fit". Inconguences of data with our
frameworks can open up learning opportunities or we can paper over the
cracks with rationalisation.

I don't think Soros was referring to Scout Badge collecting as uninhibited
self-interest. He was almost certainly referring to the tendency of large
monopolistic corporations to drive for greater and greater profits
ignoring their impact on the environment. Some of the protests at Seattle
were against this relentless focus solely on today's profit.

Roy Benford
Fulmer, UK


"Roy Benford" <>

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