Organisational Learning & Knowledge Management LO23618

Eugene Taurman (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 10:17:21 -0800

Replying to LO23546 --

>Can someone tell me the relationships (or differences) between
>organizational learning and knowledge management please? it seems to me
>they are interchangeable terms.

I can't but I am full of opinions.

Knowledge management is about exchanging know how about work between peers
and new employees for the sake of continuity of service to the customer.
For people to share experience requires trust in the organization that
sharing will not cost me a job and I ma not threatened by sharing.

Learning organization is about an organization learning from it's
activities, from it's mistakes and form it's successes. To accomplish this
management must create an environment where there is unfettered exchange
of ideas, of experience, of mistakes and the results. There must be good
measure so the participants can see the impact of experimentation. In
short there must be trust a willing ness to share success and failure with
out fear or promotion for looking good instead of being good.

In short both are about culture and trust n the organization.

Eugene Taurman


"Eugene Taurman" <>

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