This is an internet dialog among people interested in the Learning Organization concept, as described by Peter M. Senge in The Fifth Discipline, (1990, New York, Currency Doubleday).
Click here to go to the Learning-Org Dialog
Information about the Mailing List & Archive (These are links within this page...)
This is available to anyone who can send and receive Internet email messages (including America On Line, eWorld, Compuserve, Prodigy, local Internet providers, and most corporate e-mail systems).
We focus on practitioners, i.e. those working to build learning organizations, but our group is very diverse. Most of our messages are thoughtful and inquiring. Our aim is that the discussion on this mailing list be conducted in the spirit of learning and exploration. Messages with an authoritarian tone are discouraged and "flaming" is not permitted.
In other words, we are conducting a dialogue about building learning organizations, and you are welcome to join us.
The Learning-org list was launched in June 1994 and now has a large base of participants. This a world-wide facility, with strong international representation.
English is the primary language for Learning-org.
1) You can receive Learning-org daily in your email in-box, either 1a) You can receive individual messages (10-30/day). This is called the "main list" (learning-org). ...Or... 1b) You can receive one longer "Digest" message each day; this is a compilation of all the individual messages on the main list and this is called the "Digest list" (learning-org-digest). 2) You can read the messages in the Learning-org archive ...and, in any case... 3) You can create messages and send them to the list.To receive Learning-org in your email in-box (that is, 1a or 1b above) you must be a subscriber. No subscription is required to read messages in the archive or to participate by sending messages to the mailing list.
If you like to be selective in reading list messages based on the "Subject:" line, then you'll probably want to receive the individual messages. If you would rather download all the list messages to read later or print them out to read on your train ride home, then the digest version is for you.
In either case you can create new messages and reply to messages of others.
1) To subscribe for individual messages send an email to: The subject line is ignored; begin the msg with two lines: subscribe learning-org end 2) To subscribe for a daily Digest of messages, send email to: The subject line is ignored; begin the msg with two lines: subscribe learning-org-digest endAny additional text in the msg body (e.g. your sig) will be ignored. You will be added to the list and will receive a Welcome message including this info file. Please, please, please...
keep the Welcome message for future reference!!
If you have problems or receive an error response that you cannot handle yourself, then forward to your hosts
learning-org-approval@world.std.comwhatever you received that indicates to you there is a problem. If all else fails, email us at that address.
3) To change from individual messages to Digest, send email to The subject line is ignored; begin the msg with these three lines: subscribe learning-org-digest unsubscribe learning-org end 4) To change from Digest to individual messages, send a message similar to the one in #3 above, but move the two characters "un"...; it's easier to do than to explain. 5) To leave Learning-org, refer to the Welcome message you received and saved for reference. If that's lost, send a message to The subject line is ignored; begin the msg with three lines unsubscribe learning-org unsubscribe learning-org-digest endYou'll receive a confirmation message with subject line "Majordomo Results." (This method is a brute force approach that will unsubscribe you from which ever list you are on; the second unsubscribe line will fail with an error message which you can ignore.)
Again, if problems, forward the error msg to>>IMPORTANT<<-- Do not send subscribe and unsubscribe messages to the list address (learning-org...)! Send them to majordomo... as above.
For those familiar with LISTSERV type mailing lists -- Majordomo performs most of the same functions, but the commands are different. Please follow the examples above, not the forms you have used with LISTSERV.
...Or... Depending on your email reader, you can probably just take any Learning-org message and reply to it.
...Or... Use the links on the web pages.
RETURN => to list of topics
Introducing Yourself
You are invited to introduce yourself to others on the list. If you wish
to do so, we suggest:
In addition, note these elements of good Internet etiquette:
The reason for putting your email address at the end of the message is that some mail readers do not display the "From:" address in the message header, and their users would otherwise be unable to contact you directly.
The URL is
It's hard to describe the Web, and I won't try here, except to say that it's the fastest growing element of the internet, and has tremendous promise for ease of use, once your browser is set-up.
If you have a Web Browser, you can find messages by date, thread, subject, or author. You can read what you want, when you want, and your Browser will probably keep track of what you've seen vs. what's new to you. You can continue a discussion thread right from your Browser or start a new topic. In short, this is not just an archive for use once in a while to find a lost message, but a different way to participate fully in the Learning-Org discussions.
AT THIS TIME, the LO archives are NOT available by FTP. They may become available again
by FTP in the future, but not now.
ftp to: TBD and the directory is TBD
See any of the popular Internet guide books for how to ftp.
This facility has been created by Rick Karash and Charlie Kiefer as a service to the community, and the (modest) costs are supported by Innovation Associates, Inc. (In U.S. 781-398-8500 or; in Canada 905-731-7991.
---start of instructions--- For info about Learning-Org -- the internet disucssion of the Learning Organization -- Via the Web, the URL is By email, please msg to our faithful robot, The subject line is ignored; begin your msg with these two lines: info learning-org end If problems, please *forward* whatever you have to Richard Karash, host, at ---end of instructions---This info file is Copyright (c) 1994-98 Richard Karash and may not be re-distributed. However, the "For info" instructions, just above, may be distributed freely.
Learning-org and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.
Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | email: "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>