This is a follow-up to my earlier msg... The Pegasus conference "Systems
Thinking in Action" is Sept 16-18 in San Francisco.
I expect a number of participants on this Learning-org list will attend.
I'm hoping to use learning-org to extend the experience by connecting
attendees to the rest of our 2000 readers. If attending, I invite you to
reply to any of the "PEGASUS..." msgs here, or initiate a thread by
writing to the usual learning-org address.
-- Rick
On August 5, 1998, Richard Karash wrote:
> Since it's inception in 1991, I have attended and recommended the
> Pegasus annual Fall conference "Systems Thinking in Action."
> This year, I am pleased to announce that in conjunction with Pegasus
> we will attempt to extend the conference through dialogue here on
> Learning-org. I'm calling this an "extended virtual conference."
> Extended in time, before and after the conventional conference.
> Extended in participation to include many who do not attend in person.
> And, perhaps, extended in depth because we can give topics more
> leisurely consideration here.
> I am hoping to see a series of messages here organized around the
> keynote talks and speakers.
> These messages will carry the label PEGASUS in the subject line and
> will appear in the normal flow of Learning-org and on the LO web site.
> (Learning-org is an ongoing internet dialogue about organizational
> learning with 2000 readers). The PEGASUS msgs will also appear in a
> separate section of the LO web site:
> If you would like to contribute to this Extended Virtual Conference
> discussion, respond to any msg or, to start a new thread, email the
> usual LO list address
> In pariticular, if you are presenting or just particularly interested
> in a session, feel free to invite dialogue here. Please use "Subject:
> PEGASUS conference session title" and use the exact title to avoid
> confusion.
-- Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | email: "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Mailing List (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>