You asked about the work of Porras and Collins. There is not a week that
goes by that I do not return to Built to Last to revisit the concepts they
described. Why? It grounds me in a powerful framework and a compelling set
of data. I use their book to 'make sense' of phenomena in the
organizations with which I am working, even the one for which I work. It
is not the only thing I use. I am well aware that Built to last is an
excellent look backward. It is one tool to use while we remember (as Karl
Weick said) that we are living forward.
T.J. Elliott
Cavanaugh Leahy & Company
--"T.J. Elliott" <tjell@IDT.NET>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>