At the conference, Daniel is Master or Ceremonies. He does not do a keynote talk per se but takes advantage of the opportunity to set a tone at the start of each full conference session.
Michael Jones is here live playing piano as we enter the ballroom. Nancy Margulies draws mindscapes for the keynote talks.
-- Rick
-- Notes and quotes from Daniel Kim's Introductions, Wednesday 9/16 --
"Learning is fundamentally social. We define the community as what supports
the learners."
Daniel talked about the informal conversations at the water cooler... Some
organizations are trying to get rid of the water cooler to reduce this
waste of time. What could we do to encourage informal conversation in our
Daniel says, "Children can be our best teachers about learning."
Here are some learnings from kids, what they learned from/about the bible.
(Daniel always shares interesting humorous quotes. These are reputed to be
- Noah's wife was called Joan of Arc.
- Unleavened bread is bread without any ingredients.
- The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.
- Humor thy father and mother.
- Thou shalt not admit adultery
- The golden rule is to do one to others before they do one to you.
- People who follow lord were called the twelve decibels.
- St Paul cavorted to Christianity. Preached holy acromony which is
another name for marriage.
"Learning requires being in a place of not learning." And, a place of
wonder. Notice the child's reaction to surprises. Different from our
reaction to surprises when they occur in the corp environment.
Daniel suggests, "Dwell in the questions. It's not the answers from which
we learn. That's an illusion. It's the question from which we learn because
the question engages the mind. Value and honor the questions that come up."
The presentations here... Listen for the questions; these will stimulate.
Daniel quotes from the book, _Women who Run with Wolves_, "Asking the
proper question is the central act of transformation."
For you, what is your central question. The one that is central to your
transformation. One that will help you move forward, take another step.
"We believe that the current system is unsustainable... and that we can't
change it. Maybe that's what brings out Dilbert. And, it takes us off the
Daniel noted that Peter said, "Leadership is attending to conditions that
would keep growth from happening."
Quoting from _The Heart Aroused_, "Whether we tell the truth or not,
speaking is a courageous act. Because either way, we are revealed."
--Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | email: "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>
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