Richard this is a very good presentation of the value of vision in leading
a company. I loved it. And I want to add a little to explain the power of
Among the very early settlers to what is now the US were those seeking
religious freedom. When they arrived they set about simply living. They
had a belief that if they worked hard they could make life better. they
did both work hard and made life a little better for their children. As
more and more came to our shores many if not all came with the idea that
if I work hard i can make life better for self and my children. Because so
many believe it we have a society that creates wealth and is better for
most of our children, at least in economic terms.
At roughly the same time the conquistadors came to our continent some to
the South some to what is now the US. The mission of the Conquistadores
was to find wealth take it and send it home to Spain or their their Kings.
They rode through the new world looking for wealth and taking what they
found. They had a belief that to obtain wealth I must take it almost as
if they believed the amount of wealth ere fixed.
Today much of Mexico has a patron system in which people believe to get by
the patron must take care of me and my family. For me to be better off I
must get from another. the idea is pervasive and for both their vision is
true whether they believe if I work hard I can make life better or to be
better off I must take or be given.
Vison once it is personalized and accepted it is a powerful force in
determining our actions. That is why I support those like Colon Powell who
are trying to develop a a winning vision in our young. because so many do
not have a vision that drives them to believe they trying can make it
Eugene Taurman
What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs Ch 23 vs 7 KJV
--Eugene Taurman <>
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