KM and Communities of Practice LO23712

From: Fred Nickols (
Date: 01/01/00

The holidays afforded me the opportunity to add some material to two new
areas on my web site. The two areas are Knowledge Management (KM) and
Communities of Practice (CoPs). Much of my consulting work in 1998 and
1999 was devoted to helping a client roll out a company-wide KM initiative
in which CoPs played a central part. The material I've placed on my web
site was well received by the client and I hope others find it useful as
well. To access this new material, click on the URL in my e-mail
signature and, once there, click on the link to articles. There, you'll
find a new heading -- Knowledge Management. Under it you will find links
to the KM and the CoP materials.

My best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year to all list members and
my thanks to all those who've visited my web site and expressed their
appreciation for what they've found there.


Fred Nickols The Distance Consulting Company "Assistance at A Distance" (609) 490-0095

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