Replying to LO23712 --
I always enjoy visiting your site...and have appreciated the evolution
I've witnessed there over the years.
A few thoughts on your KM survey and articles (which, by the way, I
thought were quite thorough)--
I'm working with a client that's moving from an "information" retrieval
system using Lotus Notes to a Solution Management technology sold by
Primus. You'll find more about their technology at They
primarily support the high-tech industry support organizations that
provide customer support through their call centers (usually a tier 1
level support), tier 2 & 3 support (engineering or senior analysts) and
finally into their research and design levels. One client is using the
Primus technology to capture administrative, management and other types of
created knowledge, in addition to capturing solutions to technical
The customer support consortium ( has more info
about this application of KM technology. I think that, as you and others
have pointed out, successful adoption and leverage of the technology
relies on cultural changes that are more significant initially than most
organizations anticipate. Most of these changes, as I see them, are the
same ones advocated by change leaders like Deming and Senge.
Happy holidays,
--"Richard Charles Holloway" <>
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