The Vortex Simulation is a recently developed intensive, two-day
group learning experience. The simulation provides a framework for
participants to gain insight into the world of complex systems and
the role that leadership, architecture and know-how play in creating
a rapid, system-wide response to turbulent business conditions.
The Vortex Simulation is relevant for organizations and groups of all kinds,
but has particular application in organizational settings where rapid cycle
product development or organizational design-or redesign-are current issues,
and/or where innovation, knowledge creation, or organizational
learning are high priorities.
A specially designed one-day run of this unique learning experience
will be held on March 14, 2000 at The Exchange Conference Center,
Boston Fish Pier, 212 Northern Ave., in Boston MA. The purpose is to
offer potential users and facilitators of this simulation an
opportunity to experience it directly at a nominal cost. The cost of
the workshop is $75. for those registering before March 6 and $125.
after that date.
If you are interested in knowing more about The Vortex Simulation,
check it out at, or contact Stu Noble at, To register for the workshop, contact Stu at the
same email address or by phone at 215-836-2401.
I was a long-time subscriber to this list, but have not been receiving
either the mail or the digest since December 1996. I would be delighted
to participate in any conversation regarding the use of simulations to
promote organizational learning, if such a conversation were to emerge.
Please include my email address in your posting if you would like me to
respond. Thank you. Isn't it amazing that a man like me Jack Hirschfeld can feel this way? Trans*Form Group Voice: 240-632-2537 Fax: 240-632-8889
Enhancing Leadership Practices & Organizational Effectiveness Founding member, Global Consulting Group Facilitator, The Vortex Simulation '
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