Replying to LO23736 --
Thanks for the referral to your web site. I skimmed your book and am
intrigued enough to return to digest it more fully. I like the comparison
with astronomy (a very dynamic system if ever there was one) and the
multidimensional model you are using. Some of your comments remind me of
what one of my college's most creative instructors said once. In teaching
her portfolio development class to computer science students, she forbids
the use of 8-1/2 x 11 paper because as she says, "8-1/2 by 11" paper
promotes 8-1/2 by 11" thinking." I look forward to reading more about
your concept.
Harriett J. Robles
>As you will see, if you care to spend time perusing my own web site at
>, I try to employ a more holistic
>approach to organizational dynamics, which recently manifested itself as
>"The Tetrahedron Principle," which I plan to release in book form this
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