My name is Alain Leroy, I 'am working at Sun Microsystems International in
the project group at the Finance department.
We have centralized our finance from all Europe.
We have now a lot of different processes and we would like to improve them
and to start other new processes.
Before this we would like to visit other international companies who did
the same as us.
For this, I'am looking for a training in the bench marking for finance
processes for my collegue and myself.
We do not have any experience in this sector, so we expect from this
training to be able to analyse, to take part of discusion on a very
effecient way.
Could you pls send me documentation about such training?
Thanks for your help
Alain Leroy
Finance Project Analyst
Accounting Service Center EMEA
Sun Microsystems International
--alain leroy <alain.leroy@Sun.COM>
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