Training on bench marking on processes LO23765

From: Hans Leijtens (
Date: 01/14/00

Replying to LO23752 --


It seems you are having quite a challenge. I am not aware of any more or
less general benchmark trainings on financial processes. I am how ever
familiar with (international) financial and operational management control
frameworks, used by most of the top 500-companies. From this last
perspective this knowledge could provide you with the needed input for
your assignment. If you want more information, give me a message. I can
provide you contacts with trainers.

Hans Leijtens
> We have centralized our finance from all Europe.
> We have now a lot of different processes and we would like to improve them
> and to start other new processes.
> Before this we would like to visit other international companies who did
> the same as us.
> For this, I'am looking for a training in the bench marking for finance
> processes for my collegue and myself.


"Hans Leijtens" <>

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