Replying to LO23759 --
I sent my e-mail with a hope of reconciling the difficult debate between
practitioners and theorists. Practitioners claim that what theorists do
usually doesn't have any practical relevance. This point is even more
valid for poets, philosophers and theologians. For most people it is
unclear how mysticism, poetry, philosophy and metaphoric talk can solve
real world problems.
Theorists, on the other hand, may claim that practitioners don't have any
clue about themselves. Usually what practitioners do doesn't have any
'real' or 'true' effects. We all know that blind practice does more harm
than good. The techniques used by practitioners are hardly generalizable
and the success of practitioners is restricted to only small time frames.
One could have a lifetime worth of experience counting pebbles on a beach,
but that's hardly experience ! Likewise, one could travel all over the
world (like some migratory birds do) but still remain clueless about what
is going on. Hence, theorists can claim that mere practice does not
guarantee critical insight, creativity, basic intelligence and simple
I thought that my e-mail would bring home the point that both practice and
theory are important. So is philosophy, metaphoric talk, poetry, religious
musings, general discussion etc. Sometimes even 'letting things happen to
us' can help us get started on some project.
Replying to LO23680 --
>Things happen.
>I would like to have a terse description of how they happen.
Hope this is meaningful,
--"Goparaju, Srikanth" <SGoparaju@CGSB.TAMU.EDU>
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