Intro--Bill Harris LO23826

From: Bill Harris (
Date: 01/25/00


Some of you may remember me when I was at Hewlett-Packard. I've rejoined
the list now that I've left and become an independent consultant, and I'd
like to take the time to say "Hello" and to rejoin the dialog.

I'm interested in most LO areas, but I'm focusing on the application of
system dynamics to performance management issues (especially those related
to financial management or product development) in companies and on using
action science to facilitate highly effective work groups. When I've seen
Model II behavior take hold, it's been quite impressive in what it offers
the organization and the individual people.

I'm also interested in applying facilitation techniques to enable
companies to form effective distributed workgroups quickly. Take a look
at my Web site, if you'd like to find out more about me.


[Host's Note: Welcome back, Bill. ..Rick]

Bill Harris                                  3217 102nd Place SE
Facilitated Systems                          Everett, WA 98208 USA                phone: +1 425 338-0512

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