Rhythm in Communication LO23825

From: AM de Lange (amdelange@gold.up.ac.za)
Date: 01/25/00

Replying to LO23781 --

Dear Organlearners,

Bruno Soares <bmartins.soares@mail.EUnet.pt> writes:

>The discussion on rhythm has lead me towards new and
>innovative ideas. One immense field I have been discovering
>is (can you guess?) Entropy Production. It seems to me
>that as Entropy Production studies the movement in the
>universe, rhythm is very closely related to it. Several people
>have alerted me to this fact, not that I needed to be alerted:
>the concept was an immediate shock to me. But still, I feel
>very far from understanding it.

Greetings Bruno,

Your thoughts remind me of my own mental experiences during 1969. Some of
us might be able to memorise what any advanced text book on irreversible
thermodynamics has to say. But rote learning and authentic learning are
completely different. Only since 1982 did I begin to realise just how much
the differences are.

Your understanding of entropy production needs time because entropy
production concerns the relationship between time and entropy. This
relationship is the cause of all changes and neither the entropy, nor the
time. Not even the mental changes brought about by learning can be

>Again, I cry for help. Can anybody please explain to me
>how the seven essencialities work???

Perhaps the synchronicity (rhythmic peaks) in our latest contributions is
not enough.

You can have a look at them in the LO_archives as I have
exposed five of them. Perhaps the silence on the other two
may speak clearer. See
Creating a Passion for Learning LO17474"
<http://www.learning-org.com/98.03/0235.html >
(About the history of the discovery.of the essentialities.)

"Essentialities of creativity LO17576 -Introduction"

"Essentialities and self-learning LO17610"

Essentiality - "becoming-being" (liveness) LO17651

Essentiality - "identitity-categoricity" (sureness) LO17823

Essentiality - "associativity-monadicity" (wholeness) LO18276

Essentiality - "connect-beget" (fruitfulness) LO18750

Essentiality - "quantity-limit" (spareness) LO20541

But I want to suggest a much better way. Make use of all the writings of
humankind to create a rich picture for yourself. The name (nominal and
seminal) of each essentiality contains three words. Use the root word in
each and synonyms to them as key words to aid your research into all the
books of humankind. For example, use "whole" as key word. You will get to
the thoughts of thinkers like Leibniz, Jan Smuts, Arthur Koestler and
David Bohm on it. For otherness you may study Edward de Bono, famous for
his ideas on lateral thinking. Texbooks in biology which spend a chapter
or more on biodiversity are also very helpfull on otherness.

This will keep you buzzy for a very long time. It will free your mind from
what I had to write on them to introduce them. The picture may become so
complex that you may forget what they are about. As you put it "how they
work". So focus on two or three general kinds of actions to see how they
influence those processes. If I may suggest a few, try

Needless to say, each of the seven is essential to any rhythm, how
esoteric that rhythm might be be to others.

Also needless to say is that you will have to study Husserl's
phenomenology since it is the only methodology directly concerned with

Needles to say that chemistry and mathematics have much on each of them.

If you hated these two subjects because you always seemed to be at the
losing end, perhaps it is because they required from you a higher level of
maturity in the seven essentialities than that which you had at that
stage. It has now almost become a dangerous habit for me -- if a student
struggle in chemistry or mathematics, find out which one or more of the
essentialities are seriously impaired. Some of my friends in psychology
are beginning to realise the danger of this habit in their work too.
Sometimes the cause for malfunctioning is something else than the form of

Note that with "producing" I do not imply specifically "entropy
producing". You can do the latter too, but it will take you deep into the
complexity of irreversible thermodynamics, so deep that you will even have
to study its entire history. This is great fun for scientists with

If you are an artist too, you can take the works of any "great master"
(actually super fast learner) and study them to see how they have mastered
the seven essentialities, not articulated in words, but in their learned
works of art. I have done it with some writers, painters, sculptors,
composers and actors/performers. My personal favourite among all these is

If you are a computer programmer, you may get an excellent experience in
them. Try to create one of that ellusive programs. Whenever the program
get stuck or seems to swerve from its goal, use the essentialities to spot
the failure and correct it. As a beginning excercise, take a sucsessful
word processor and see how it provides for the seven essentialities
without its many programmers ever having realised it.

If you are addicted to a sport or play the stock market, you have
wonderful opportunities here too. Try to predict which side will win the
game (and not which side will lose it). The outcome of many games often
become an open book to you after the frist quater of the game. Trying to
learn about the essentialities in a negative frame of mind is very
difficult. Trying to learn in a negative frame of mind is very difficult
too because of these seven essentialities.

Perhaps most interesting is to follow each essentiality in the archeology
of human artifacts. Try to cover as many civilisations in all the
continents. Use the the opinions of historians on what caused the
immergence of a civilisation and try to link it with a noticeable
impairing in one or more of these essentialities as manifested by these
artifacts. Sprengler is a good historian to negin with. Perhaps you will
then understand why the Portuguese once had its moment of glory too.

Take extreme care once you begin to understand how the first one of them
works. You will become so deeply under the impression how essential it is
that the ignorance of so many people to it even in matters of great
concern will drive you into dispair and depression. Since it happend to me
in each of them, I know by experience the dangers in explicating them.

I think I understand something of why so many artists prefered suicide.
But self inflicted ignorance is no solution to ignorance, just like war is
no solution to war.

With caring and best wishes


At de Lange <amdelange@gold.up.ac.za> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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