Replying to LO23745 --
Hi, gang
Judging by traffic volume, a fair number of you have tried our free,
on-line miniassessment at
The instrument lets users evaluate their odds of overcoming organizational
resistance to change.
Thank you!
The bad news is that we've had VERY FEW users comment on the instrument --
and comments are definitely needed!
So, if you've visited, please send me a note with your reactions, either
privately or by posting here... and if you haven't tried it yet, give the
instrument a whirl.
Also, I wanted to let folks know that we're developing a GROUP version of
this instrument with more sophisticated reporting. This will be useful as
a consensus and awareness building tool for management teams as they enter
a change process. If you want to try the group version, please contact me
for a login and pass.
Thanks again for your interest.
Eric Hatch, President
Hatch Organizational Consulting, Inc.
"Enabling Positive Change"
You can call us at 1 800 586 1487 or 513 683 2265
You can write us at
6812 Stagge Rd
Loveland, OH 45140
Or you're welcome to visit our website at
--eric hatch <>
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