Replying to LO23864 --
> Steve Finegan <> writes:
>>I'm fascinated by the concept of "co-evolution" and it's
>>possible metaphorical application to teamwork in
>>organizations. Anyone doing any research in this area?
>>Any reading suggestions or people I might contact?
Steve, its bigger than just teams...
What follows is a chapter from my book 'Navigating Complexity' [the xrefs
refer to ther parts of the book, which is organised as a hypertext]
which you might find stimulating, you can find it on Amazon, newly in
paperback, and tell em I said it's available, because they claim it isn¹t!
As Rick will confirm, the Team Learning Lab, developed by ILL from Senge
and the teams work in Ford, is a development very much in harmony with
coevolutionary notions, even if these notions were not explicit in its
Hope this is useful, its long, but easy to read, I'm oft' told...
> Section 4: The web of life
> ³The people who are living on this planet need to break with the narrow
> concept of human liberation, and begin to see liberation as something that
> needs to be extended to the whole of the Natural World. What is needed is
> the liberation of all things that support life - the air, the waters, the
> trees- all the things which support the sacred web of life²
> Haudenosaunee Address to the Western World, 1977
> ³During rush-hour on the subway in Upper Manhattan straphangers were only
> mildly surprised to find a 90lb deer waiting outside their station. For
> the last five years wild turkeys, coyotes and deer have been moving south
> into populated areas of Westchester County and last year coyotes were found
> in the Bronx.²
> Observer 2nd June 1996
> ³None of the various government systems human have so far devised has
> enabled us to deal with the complexity of nature. Most of the problems we
> face today in every field are of our own making because the
> interconnectedness of mankind, our planet, and its resources is not taken
> seriously or even believed fundamentally.²
> Allan Savory, author of Holistic Resource Management
> About this section
> ^ÌThe web of life¹ represents the interconnectedness that is perhaps the
> most striking and perplexing feature of living systems, the most complex
> systems in the universe. The interplay of agents in competition with each
> other creates the environments in which improvements continually evolve, in
> which organisms and organisations seek to preserve themselves against a
> background of constant change.
> The entries are:
> ecosystem
> coevolution
> evolution of cooperation
> fitness landscape
> autopoiesis
> Implication summary:
> Ecosystem
> The fragmentation of central and local government, the successive
> privatisations of the last decade, the new waves of quangos, regulatory and
> advisory, have massively increased the interconnectedness and complexity
> of the local government sector. It is simply not possible to draw a clear
> boundary around these sectors. therefore any attempt to apply conventional
> systems thinking to them is doomed to failure.
> Coevolution
> The concept of coevolution draws our attention to the inevitable
> interrelationships between organisations. Coevolution is therefore an
> appropriate metaphor to inform our thinking about partnerships in all their
> forms.
> Evolution of cooperation
> Organisations need to be clear what strategies are needed for the types of
> situation they operate in. Axelrod¹s work shows how in initially
> competitive or antagonistic environments cooperation can emerge or be
> encouraged, to the benefit of all the players.
> Fitness landscape
> There is no such thing as a level playing field: instead we have constantly
> deforming landscapes. Success may come from actually ignoring some
> customers needs- some of the time- and introducing new inputs into the
> system. In this perspective, strategy becomes montoring rather than
> control, and ^Ìgood enough¹ (Herbert Simon¹s ^Ìsatisficing¹) makes a comeback.
> Autopoiesis
> Autopoiesisis particularily relevant to two key topics in organisations:
> change and communication. An appreciation of autopoiesis leads to a
> healthily pessimistic view of human communication as innately difficult,
> and human behaviour as both self-determined and resistant to change.
> The concept of coevolution draws our attention to the inevitable
> interrelationships between entitites. Coevolution is therefore an
> appropriate metaphor to inform our thinking about partnerships in all their
> forms.
> about the idea
> Evolution: "don¹t all race, spread out!"
> Coevolution is a concept within the concept of evolution. Evolution, (from
> the Latin evolutio, unrolling) is the theory which explains the mechanism
> by which species change and have changed since life first started on Earth.
> The overall trend in evolution is towards greater complexity and diversity
> of species. The familiar, and erroneous, view of evolution is of steady
> upward progress from fishes to amphibians to mammals to humans at the very
> peak of fitness. This view, with its inbuilt idea of hierarchy is
> dangerously misleading; evolution is perhaps better viewed as a
> spreading-out like the creepers of a vine. Fitness in the biological
> sense, is about adaptation to the environment, not how strong and fierce a
> creature is; in this sense of fitness as ^Ìadaptation¹, insects and rats are
> much fitter than humans. ^ÌMatchness¹ might be a better word to avoid the
> sense of superiority embodied in the term fitness. Fritjof Capra argues that:
> ³Detailed studies of ecosystems over the past decades has shown quite
> clearly that most relationships between living organisms are essentially
> cooperative ones, characterised by coexistence and interdependence, and
> symbiotic in various degrees. Even predator-prey relationships that are
> destructive for the immediate prey are generally beneficent for both
> species. This insight is in sharp contrast to the views of the Social
> Darwinists, who saw life exclusively in terms of competition, struggle and
> destruction. Their view of nature has helped create a philosophy that
> legitimated exploitation and the disastrous impact of our technology on the
> natural environment. But such a view has no scientific justification,
> because it fails to perceive the integrative and cooperative principles
> that are essential aspects of the ways in which living systems organise
> themselves at all levels.²
> Neo-Darwinian theory goes further, according to Capra:
> ³The classical theory sees evolution as moving toward an equilibrium state,
> with organisms adapting themselves ever more perfectly to their
> environment. According to the systems view, evolution operates far from
> equilibrium and unfolds through an interplay of adaptation and creation.
> Moreover, the systems theory takes into account that the environment is,
> itself, a living system capable of adaptation and evolution. Thus the
> focus shifts from the evolution of an organism to the coevolution of
> organism plus environment.²
> Coevolution: the larger view
> So the idea of evolution has itself evolved to produce the concept of
> co-evolution. Stewart Brand, founder of the CoEvolution Quarterly offers
> these definitions:
> ³Evolution is adapting to meet one¹s needs. Co-evolution, the larger view,
> is adapting to meet each other¹s needs.²
> The evolution of evolution sees the shift from the predator- prey
> relationship as ^Ìsurvival of the fittest¹ implying that only rabbits lose
> if foxes eat all the rabbits, to a realisation that foxes will starve
> without rabbits. [xref- attractor/more complex attractors] The history of
> evolution repeats a pattern again and again: organisms start out competing,
> then parasitism emerges and gradually turns into symbiosis. In many
> ^Ìcodependent¹ relationships in the natural world the two parties can no
> longer survive without each other. The ^Ìswollen thorn acacia¹ of eastern
> Mexico has lost its protective thorns and offers shelter and food to the
> acacia ant; in return the ants repel all invaders, including the seedlings
> of other plants that would compete with the acacia. There are close
> parallels in the world of organisations; we ca observe partnerships and
> strategic alliances emerging from initial antagonisms. A good public
> sector example is the partnership between many local authorities and TECs.
> [xref- Engaging with complexity:/Learning from complexity in the public
> sector] John Holland describes coevolution in the context of complex
> adaptive systems like this:
> ³Organisms in an ecosystem coevolve. In the natural world this has
> produced flowers that evolved to be fertilised by bees, and bees that
> evolved to live off the nectar of flowers. It has produced cheetahs that
> evolved to chase down gazelles, and gazelles that evolved to escape from
> cheetahs. In the human world, the dance of coevolution has produced
> equally exquisite webs of economic and political dependencies - alliances,
> rivalries, customer-supplier relationships, and so on. Coevolution is a
> powerful force for emergence and self-organization in any complex adaptive
> system.²
> John Holland quoted in Waldrop
> Management aping Nature
> Complexity science is now beginning to unravel the underlying mechanisms of
> evolution and coevolution. Robert Axelrod¹s work on the evolution of
> cooperation has set out the mechanisms by which competitiveness gives way
> to cooperation. [xref- evolution of cooperation] Simulations such as Tom
> Ray¹s Tierra, which reproduces the evolution of parasitism and symbiosis in
> ^Ìcode creatures¹ living in computer memory, and the ^Ìboids¹ simulation of
> Craig Reynolds convincingly demonstrate an understanding of some of the key
> processes of nature. [xref- self-organisation] In turn, their ideas are
> being applied to the management of organisations. Stuart Kauffman has
> developed extensive applications of the ^Ìfitness landscape¹ concept - the
> ^Ìspace¹ in which the dance of coevolution
> is performed- to the area of technological competition. [xref- fitness
> landscape]
> Coevolution is everywhere
> If there is one key idea in complexity sciences it is ^Ìco¹ as in
> coevolution. Complex adaptive systems are webs of interrelationships
> between yet more complex adaptive systems, self-organised systems are
> codependent ^Ìflocks¹ of agents. Examples will be found throughout this book.
> xrefs
> evolution of cooperation, self-organisation, fitness landscape, attractor,
> Engaging with complexity: Learning from complexity in the public sector,
> refs
> Kevin Kelly, Out of Control: the new biology of machines, Fourth Estate,
> 1994, ISBN 1-85702-308-0, £8.99
> M. Mitchell Waldrop, Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order
> and Chaos,
> Penguin, ISBN 0 6708 5045 4 £7.99
> Fritjof Capra, The Turning point: science, society and the rising culture,
> Flamingo, 1983, ISBN 0-00-654017-1, £7.99
> If Price PunkEekpaper®
> If Price and Ray Shaw, Shifting the Patterns: transforming the codes of
> personal and company performance, forthcoming publication, 1996. (for
> further details contact the Harrow Partnership, Pewley Fort, Pewley Hill,
> Guildford, Surrey GU1 3SP)
> john darwin paper®
> Brian Eno interviewed by Kevin Kelly: Archives at the HotWired Website:
> relevance
> Coevolution and co-control
> Kevin Kelly says that learning is overrated as the mechanism by which
> humans adapt and change. He describes coevolution as a powerful variety of
> what we know as learning, quoting Stewart Brand:
> ³Ecology is a whole system, alright, but coevolution is a whole system in
> time. The health of it is forward^Ësystemic self-education which feeds on
> constant imperfection. Ecology maintains. Coevolution learns.²
> In the Zone of Complexity: co-control
> Eno: People tend to think that it's total control or no control. But the
> interesting place is in the middle of that.
> Kelly: Right. We have no word for that state of in-between control. We have
> some words like "management," or "herding," or "husbandry." All these are
> words for co-control.
> Eno: I call it "surfing." When you surf, there is a powerful complicated
> system, but you're riding on it, you're going somewhere on it, and you can
> make some choices about it.
> (from an Interview with Brian Eno with Kevin Kelly, published in HotWired
> on the Internet)
> Kelly prefers the terms ^Ìcolearning¹ and ^Ìcoteaching¹ to describe what the
> participants in coevolution are doing: teaching each other and learning
> from each other at the same time. This mutual ^Ìeducation¹ of the
> coevolutionary players can clearly be seen in the game theory simulations
> of Robert Axelrod, [xref- evolution of cooperation] and in the
> Inter-governmental games described by Rod Rhodes [xref -Engaging with
> complexity/ Learning from complexity in the public sector]
> Coevolution in service delivery
> In human systems, coevolution is about mutual adaptation and learning.,
> even though each player will have different goals. The emergence of
> coevolution can be seen clearly in the case study on the Schools Special
> Needs Transport Service (SNT): ^ÌSelf-organising for Success¹. The
> cab-drivers wanted to minimise the amount of trips they had to do whilst
> trying to maximise their fares (See the note on ^Ìoptimisation¹ in
> ^Ìfitness landscape¹ for an explanation of why this is impossible [xref-
> fitness landscape]). The SNT obviously wants the opposite: more work from
> cabs for smaller fares). Coevolution started to happen in the service when
> the service partners began to share their learning and their reflections on
> their experiences as a team, thus realising the benefits of their
> interconnectedness. [xref- ^ÌSelf-organising for Success¹]
> Punctuated equilibrium: shifting the patterns
> If Price and Ray Shaw of the Harrow Partnership have applied the concept
> of ^Ìpunctuated equilibrium¹, taken from theories of evolution, to issues
> of change management in organisations. Puctuated evolution is a theory
> which states that evolution goes in fits and starts, rather than as a
> smooth upward progression of improvements. As complexity theorists remind
> us, most processes are messy, disordered and strange, and evolution is no
> exception. Millions of years can go by during which there is hardly any
> change at all, the same plants and animals just doing the same things over
> and over again, only to be disrupted by a ^Ìbrief¹ period of ^Ìexplosion¹ in
> which millions of new lifeforms suddenly appear as if from nowhere: hence
> the term ^Ìpunctuated equilibrium¹. (By ^Ìbrief¹ we mean a few thousand
> years; in other words ^Ìbrief¹ in geological terms, not human terms).
> Price and Shaw¹s approach involves the use of ^Ìmemetic change¹ concepts in
> organisations in a way that is analogous to genetic change in evolution.
> [xref- memes] They call this sudden change: ^Ìshifting the pattern¹. Price
> says that:
> ³For me ^ÌLearning is Evolution¹¹ [a deliberate inversion of Bateson¹s
> ^ÌEvolution is Learning¹]. In this view of the world, learning - like
> evolution - happens when equilibria are punctuated. I believe it is
> possible to do that in a way that encourages a beneficial learning [for
> people, the world, and a corporation/ organisation]. I also believe that
> the learning, like evolution, can be accelerated when the environmental
> shift that will enable it is created.²
>By the way, lest the reader be mislead into thinking
> that Price is some sort of new Social Darwinist, be assured that he is
> just as opposed to those toxic Social Darwinist ideas as Fritjof Capra
> (quoted earlier). He continues:
> ³I am deeply sympathetic to the view, expressed most eloquently by Stephen
> Gould, that the comparisons may have done more harm than good. But at the
> end of the day I draw a different message. I choose to believe that if we
> can get a better understanding of the workings of learning as evolution we
> have a fighting chance of avoiding its worst outcomes.²
> Shifting the shift patterns: an example of punctuated equilibrium
> A restaurant chain appointed a new manager to one of their flagship
> pub/restaurants: an ex-trainer, she was appalled by the effects of the
> entrenched shift system on the performance and well-being of the staff.
> The shift system had been in place for many years, nobody liked it, the
> shifts were long, tiring and unsociable, yet no-one wanted to change it.
> After working there for several months and experiencing the effects of the
> system ^Ìfirst-hand¹ on herself and her staff, she decided to change it. She
> made certain that she consulted everyone as she designed the alternative:
> they all were sure that they would suffer personally, although they could
> see that the change might benefit other staff. Convinced that she was
> right, and after being told that it was ^Ìher risk¹ by her own manager, she
> went ahead and introduced her new system. The response was instant:
> everyone liked it and performance and morale immediately improved, much to
> the surprise of the ^Ìgloom merchants¹ who predicted that the entrenched
> culture of the organisation would cause it to fail. Her senior management
> liked it so much, they have ordered that the new system be adopted
> throughout the region, prior to being implemented nationally.
> Please note: this is not a Business Process Re-engineering story. The
> system was not designed by external consultants, it was designed by an
> ^Ìinsider¹ who would suffer the consequences along with everyone else inside
> the system. It was not based on computer modelling of workflow. It was
> not a ^Ìbig-bang¹ implementation. After it was introduced it was changed
> several times, in minor ways, and continues to be amended in minor ways to
> take account of the differing needs of individual staff and the demands of
> service delivery. It is a system that is evolving organically.
> Is it really all about culture?
> Conventional management theory would find it hard to explain this overnight
> change. Theories of organisational culture suggest that entrenched
> attitudes are very resistant to change. These theories tell us that
> change, when it happens at all, has to be pushed through using various
> ^Ìchange management¹ processes. Complexity theory, however, is very much
> in harmony with what happened in this case. We can see a ^Ìpunctuated
> equilibrium¹, in which one ^Ìlock-in¹ is exchanged for another. [xref-
> increasing returns and lock-in] The pattern of staff attitudes is very
> reminiscent of a strange attractor in a ^Ìdynamical system¹ when the system
> ^Ìjumps¹ suddenly from one ^Ìtrack¹ to another. [xref - attractor] This
> rich set of complexity metaphors offer a range of insights into change in
> human systems. To find out what happened next see ^Ìecosystem¹ . [xref
> ecosystem]
The above material is seriously copyright Arthur Battram, the author, who
asserts his moral and copyrights to this material.
--"arthur battram" <>
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