Making Sense of Behavior by Bill Powers LO23875 -Book Review

Date: 02/03/00

Replying to LO23857 --

Dear Fred

Bill Powers is correct and incorrect at the same time, this is a very
interesting thing how we respond or act. If we take the automous view
point we all are responsive for our actions however if you take the
complex adaptive systems (CAS) view then our actions are often controled
by the systems and what ever we do or say cannot change the outcomes-see
Senge on this very issue (Beer game). Only if we understand the full
picture which we do not. There is no general systems theory GST as yet.
see Checkland.

>From my point of view I have worked for almost 10 years on a motivational
model, that will be published hopefully in the near future, plus over 700
tests on people. My point of view is that most of our motivations are deep
seated-unconscious so we are not aware often of why we say or do things
let alone being affected by the system we are born or move into.

Analysis of Dr Harold Shipman's motivations would be of interest. Power
over life and death, grandiosity, invincibility, plus all the fears that
go with this, I wonder.



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